Tuesday, 27 January 2015

What I Wore | An Afternoon In Paris

"Paris is always a good idea." - Audrey Hepburn

It seems only fitting to start this post with a very, very relevant quote from one of my very, very favourite ladies of style! Last weekend, I visited Paris for the first time ever and, oh gosh, it was even more perfect than I could ever have imagined. I visited with my very, very lovely boyfriend who kindly took these photos for me - he's not half-bad is he?! I think he might be force hired as my photographer in the future.  *

I was standing looking at the Eiffel Tower whilst this photo was being taken which is still pretty surreal! Seeing the tower in real life after seeing so many photos of it felt strange - it was so familiar yet so new and different (Words of a crazy lady, here?!). 

I wore my favourite skirt of the moment, this Topshop embroidered skirt. I love this and it means Lauren is actually wearing COLOUR (?!). I think this is so pretty and delicate, yet statement enough that it can so easily be paired with everything else plain - it's a real star of the show, don't you think? 

I've also been loving this black jumper at the moment. It's so simple but I completely adore it because of the cropped length and high neckline. I would usually wear this outfit with my velvet cat shoes but I'm pretty sure they're a size or two too small (that's what you get for buying shoes from slightly dodgy Chinese eBay sellers) and I didn't quite fancy walking round Paris with the most blistered of toes! 

I'm definitely considering doing a post on our time in Paris and what we managed to squeeze in to the 8-hours-ish that we were there, would you lovely gals be interested in that? Let me know! 

Skirt - Topshop - £42
Jumper - Topshop - £28
Coat - New Look - £49.99 
Boots - Schuh  - £45
Bag - New Look - £17.99

L a u r e n  x 

PS. Be sure to follow me on Bloglovin to keep updated on future posts (I'll love you forever!)

* Note the use of 'very' SIX times in these 4 sentences, wow.

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Life | 2014 Reflections & 2015 Goals (plus a hearty serving of inspirational quotes)

Of course, I set up The Fashion Ramblings to blog all things fashion and style - clothes are my obsession and I'm preeettty sure that's a habit that won't be going anywhere! But, with the start of the new year, a lifestyle post feels very necessary. After all, my first blog post optimistically states:  "I guess what I hope for this blog is that it becomes a way for me to document my life, almost like an online"  (ha ha ha...)

After reading Rachel of  Style Soup's blog post, I was completely inspired to make this into a 2014 reflections/ 2015 goals blog post. 

 2014 reflections

1. 2014 was definitely a year of memories that can never be forgotten. I attended my Year 11 prom (and nearly cried at being able to wear such an amazing (and expensive) dress), my first ever musical (it's the little things in life!) and visited Disneyland Paris with my best friends. 
2. I was so lucky to be able to share these memories with my wonderful friends, boyfriend and family, all of whom I love huge amounts! 
3. Leaving school (only to join Sixth Form, sigh...) taught me the importance of friendship and, although slightly sad (and harsh), distinguished friends for life from temporary friends 
4. I completed my GCSEs and achieved 11 A*s which I am still suffering shock symptoms from to this day 
5. I was able to grow my store, Pastel Clouds. Proudest moments included being featured in Company magazine (a pretty surreal moment) finally redesigning the website, being featured by Kristina Webb,  and  hitting 2000 sales. It may eat up every last minute of my spare time but I couldn't be prouder! 

2014 made me a very, very happy person and I am super content with my life!

2015 goals 
1. Remember the immense wisdom of Pinterest and in particular 'train your mind to see the good in everything' and 'there is always something to be thankful for'
2. Be nice - both to other people and myself - I once saw a post that challenged people to not say (or think) a single negative thing about someone, firstly for a week, then a month and then a year. I tried it before and managed for a little while but it did make me feel a huge amount happier! I also think these quote are so important: 'be nice to yourself - it's hard to be happy when someone's mean to you all the time' and 'tell people about the good you see in them' 
3. Stop being so afraid of what others think of me - people are just people.  
4. Stop with the procrastination and learn to be motivated. Stop making excuses and just do things.
5. Prioritise - apparently school work is more important than a 6 hour Gossip Girl marathon
6. Get more sleep
7. Stop being such a perfectionist, in every possible sense: blog, artwork, schoolwork, face, clothes, Instagram feed (first world problems)... 
8. Be a little more committed to blogging, but at the same time to not beat myself up for not posting - this is a hobby not a chore
9. Be braver with my clothes choices
10. Don't spend money on myself - until the 21st January (such commitment to this one) 
11. Buy more shoes (a slight contradiction?) 

So there we have it, my new years resolutions and 2014 reflections -  I feel enlightened  following this post (I'm joking).
 I wish all you wonderful people that stop by and read my blog posts and wish you all the happiest and most fun-filled 2015 possible! Please leave a comment down below with your New Year's resolutions, I'd absolutely love to know! 

L a u r e n  x 

PS. Be sure to follow me on Bloglovin to keep updated on future posts (I'll love you forever!)

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